











苾隆悌的英文名字是James Blundy,约出生于1873年,是英国海外传道会(Church Mission Society,又名英国圣公会差会或安立甘會)差派来中国的传教士[1]。在来中国前他是福音派组织教会军的传道人[2]。1914年过世时年仅41岁。参考文献[2、4]均认为苾隆悌夫妇是1902年来到中国的,但林同灏说他1896年在福建时就听说苾隆悌了。也许苾隆悌那时就来中国了,后来因休假或义和团动乱一度离开了中国?我还不能确定。

图二、苾隆悌及他的太太和女儿们。左上的三口之家为苾隆悌和他的太太Anne Blundy(1878-1951)及大女儿Helena。大女儿约1910年出生于福建,苾隆悌过世时她不足四岁。左下照片中的婴孩是小女儿Dorothy,1913年11月出生在福建,苾隆悌过世时她不足半岁。照片来源[3]。




Elegy and Preface on the Death of the Reverend Blundy of the English Church Mission

Towards the end of the fourth month of the 3rd year of the republic [1914], my late friend, the Reverend Blundy, passed away due to illness in Jianning City. Oh Woe is me!

In his youth he crossed the oceans to come to the East and served in the town of Song Yuan for more than a decade. He constantly upheld the teachings of God’s 10 commandments and used them to admonish the town people. In the bingshen year [1896], I sojourned in the town of Nan Ya in Jianning and at once came to know of the Reverend’s name. Last year, I was summoned to take up the post in charge of this county (Songxi) and there I heard the reverend’s eloquent sermons and had close contact. I believed him to be a true follower of Christianity who tirelessly spread the word of God and happily carried out charitable deeds. Finally, after five months of friendship and business and social interaction, there was no legal case of the people for us to discuss. The Christians and non-Christians lived together so peacefully in Songxi that it was the best among the sixteen counties in Northern Fujian province. The Reverend sincerely maintained the precepts of the Christian faith and was kindly towards his flock, so it has come to this.

In the second month of this year, at the time of the embargo, Mr. Bao from the office of the British Consul and Mr.Ye as a worker, came to Songxi to investigate the matters. The Reverend Blundy delighted in the clearing away of poisonous weeds and went with me to Caoping village to entertain the investigation team and to take photos to remember this event. He continued in his determination to do great things, dealing sincerely with matters of the public good without any discrimination whatsoever. In this way did he live a life as our former scholars said: “although he is dead his name shall live eternal. The further he is from us the more abundant his presence.”

I suddenly learnt that the reverend was in Jianning city to treat his illness and subsequently the news of his death, his bid farewell to this world. I then composed this poem in celebration of his memory.

Alas! Blundy!
The talent from the Western lands,
Who helped to free mankind from suffering all.
An aspiration from youth had he,
To spread the teachings of his Lord.
Those who of the worlds perfumes had not tried,
A Who had lost their way on the sea of sorrows,
Could on Blundy’s salvation rely.
If by the Ten Commandments you live,
A world without suffering you will find.
Soon after arrival in Song Yuan I happily met with Blundy,
After but half a year we became like old friends.
Having cleared away the poisonous weeds,
Blundy continued to proclaim God’s Commandments.
When I think that you are forever gone,
My tears like a cataract do fall.
I recite this poem and drink a glass for old time’s sake.

Ref: 20170214

作者:方金琪(信望爱小屋), 2019年7月-21。作者保留所有文章及图片版权。欢迎转载。转载电子版文章时,敬请注明文章作者和转自加拿大中文医疗保险资讯网www.healthChinese.ca,并请注意在转载时,不得对文章进行任何删改。若需书面转载本刊文章,请先征得作者书面许可。
