How To Grow Passionfruit Vines Indoors

How To Grow Passionfruit Vines Indoors

What is passionfruit? What do passionfruit vines look like?

Passionfruit VinePhoto by Beeep

I’ve been asked about growing passionfruit trees. Well, you already know it from my headline, the passionfruit is a climbing vine. More precisely, it is a very vigorous and fast growing climbing vine.

Passionfruit vines have large, three lobed leaves, little tendrils that wrap themselves around whatever they can get hold of, and the most gorgeous flowers of all fruits in my garden. (Ok, after pineapples.)

The fruit is either yellow or purple(depending on the variety, see below), round, and about five to eight cm across. It has a smooth, thick, pithy rind, filled with sweet, aromatic pulp, juice and seeds.

Passionfruit vines climb up any support, readily and rapidly, and they climb as high as they can.

Passion flowers are truly remarkable. Their blooms can pass in as little as a day, but while they’re around, they’re outstanding. And with certain varieties, they are followed by the incomparable passion fruit. Passion flowers are native to South America and only the hardiest cultivars can survive winters as cold as USDA zone 6. Because of this, many people choose to grow passion fruit vines in pots that can be moved indoors during the cold months. Keep reading for information on caring for passion flowers in pots. Container Grown Passion Flowers Passion fruit vines need very large containers. If you’re transplanting, choose a container that’s two to three times the size of your current one. Fill your container with well-draining, nutrient rich potting material. Advertisement Passion fruit vines are fantastic growers and climbers, often gaining 15-20 feet (4.5-6m) of length in a single year. This means it’s essential to give the vine some kind of growing structure, like a trellis or a chain link fence. Position your container grown passion flowers about one foot (0.3 m) away from your structure. Even if you’re planning on moving your vine indoors for the winter, it’s alright to let it climb a fixed outdoor object. When winter comes, you can cut the vine down to one or two feet (0.3-0.6 m) high so it can be easily stored indoors. It’s such a fast grower that it will easily make up for the lost length in the spring. Caring for Passion Flowers in Pots Passion flower container care isn’t too difficult. Keep the soil moist, but don’t overwater. Make sure your container drains readily. Position your container in full sun, unless you live in an area with steady, intense heat. If that’s the case, place your vine in partial shade. Fertilize your vine regularly. That’s it! Now that you know how easy it is to grow passion vines in containers, you can enjoy yours both indoors and out.

How to Grow Passion Flower Vine Houseplants

This tropical-like vine prefers indoor temperatures that remain between 55 to 65 F. (13 to 18 C.), but will tolerate slightly cooler conditions during winter months. While it enjoys lots of light, avoid any direct sun. Keep the passion flower vine watered regularly while the plant is actively growing and be sure to provide it with adequate drainage. Once fall begins getting closer, you can allow the passion flower to dry out some between watering intervals but not completely.

This plant also appreciates good ventilation when grown indoors. Potted plants can be placed outside in a warm sheltered spot during the summer, if desired. They generally begin blooming in July and continue until frost outdoors, even longer inside. The vines can also grow up to 15 feet in a season. Provide a trellis or other suitable support system for this vine, and the passion flower will reward you with unique and beautiful purplish-blue flowers. There are numerous species of Passiflora in other colors as well, such as yellow, and all species produce edible fruits, ranging from 1/2 inch up to 6 inches in diameter.

These fruits also vary with shape and color depending on the species grown, from round to oblong and yellow to purple. If you’re looking for something different to add an exotic presence to your home, look no further. The passion flower is certainly a good choice. It’s relatively carefree, quite exquisite in appearance, and the flowering vine is filled with a rich history.

Read more at Gardening Know How: The Passion Flower: A Perfect Tropical Vine For Growing Indoors