Monthly Archives: July 2018

加拿大看病 医生不收红包还免费给小礼物

在过往观念里,一提加拿大医疗体系就觉得认为加拿大看病难、等待时间长。我也一直是这个想法,直到最近父亲不得不住院我才开始对这个体系有种新的认知。 中国人可能在养成一种习惯:有病一旦进入医院,就希望优先级尽量提前,”我要挂号、我要看医生“,但加拿大是根据轻重缓急安排及分流的医疗体系,考虑到病患的各方面。虽然有些人觉得等待漫长,但我觉得加拿大医院很科学,判断病情很准确,不会浪费医疗资源。 阅读全文 Read more [...]

Crassula ovata E.T.’s fingers 玉树家族筒叶花月家庭

The tip of the leaves are flared and depressed in the center and often reddish just like 'Hobbit', but instead of short and chubby, they are 3" to 4" long looking like the finger on that famous "Extraterrestrial". The plant itself grows fast and gargantuan as well easily reaching 5'-6' tall and 3' wide! Excellent as patio plant or landscape plant with its red-tipped, long, alien finger-like leaves atop a thick, gnarly trunk. 阅读全文 Read more [...]

長壽花 Flaming Katy

近年,在年宵的花市常會看到有盛開的Kalanchoe blossfeldiana“長壽花”盆栽出售。長壽花的花朵色澤艷麗,打理容易,若然種植得宜,花期可長達二至三個月,所以即使在平時,長壽花亦是受歡迎的盆栽花卉,並經常被用作戶外的花壇植物。而鮮紅色的單瓣品種,更被稱為Christmas 阅读全文 Read more [...]