Dipladenia Rio 飘香藤


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飘香藤(学名:Dipladenia sanderi或Mandevilla sanderi)是一种新型藤本植物,又称红皱藤、双腺藤、双喜藤、文藤、红蝉花,原产美洲热带,为夹竹桃科多年生常绿植物。飘香藤的缠绕茎柔软而有韧性,顺着支架盘旋而上,粉红似喇叭的花儿大而直挺,花茎能达到6~8厘米。
    • Light exposure: Blooms best in full sun, a minimum of 4 hours of direct sunlight per day.
    • Planting: Plant at same depth of soil as in the pot – in beds arrange plants 20 to 30 cm (8″ to 12″) apart.
    • Height: Grows 30 to 60cm (12″ to 24″) in height.
    • Watering: Allow soil to dry out in between watering. Can tolerate some drought.
    • Temperature tolerance: Can be planted outdoors after frost has passed – protect from frost in the fall, can be overwintered indoors.
    • Fertilizer: Rio plants come pre-fertilized.
    • Deadheading: No deadheading is required, blooms will fade and fall off. Rio dipladenias will keep pushing out fresh blooms without deadheading.
    • Features: Rio blooms attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
    • Overwintering tips: Rio dipladenias may not survive in regions where temperatures drop below 7 degrees C or 45 degrees F in winter. Bring your plants indoors in fall to overwinter them. Place your Rios close to a window that receives all-day sunlight. Make sure the temperature remains above 7 degrees C or 45 F. Dipladenias only need watering when the top 5 cm (2 inches) of soil begin to dry. Some foliage may die, but your Rios should produce new foliage in spring. Rio dipladenias come pre-fertilized but plants that have been over-wintered can be fertilized once in May and once in August, with slow-release 18-6-12 fertilizer. Do not fertilize during winter as dipladenias’ natural rest period lasts from October to April.









