Peace lily 白鹤芋(白掌)

Peace lily 白鹤芋(白掌)


1999年买现在的家时,我买的三盆花卉:Yucca gloriosa 龙舌兰, 巴西铁树 和这一盆Peace lily 白鹤芋(白掌)。我那时根本没有养花的经验,也没有心要养花,只是觉得新家太空了,买几盆花多点生机。但十分感恩的是,我随便买的这三盆花都是生命力异常顽强,照看十分简单的花卉。简单到什么程度?1999年至今十五年了,都还没有换过一次盆土!而且其中白鹤芋和巴西铁树还都是清洁室内空气排名前十名最好的花卉。


标准的Peace lily 白鹤芋叶子和花比它小。这种我想可能是叫大叶白掌(Sensational Peace Lily)。(The homeowner can enjoy ‘Sensation’ with very little maintenance. ‘Sensation’ should be placed in a modest, indirect light with no direct or harsh sunlight. Water only when soil feels dry 1-2 inches below soil surface or prior to foliage wilting. The time interval between watering will vary pending light, temperature, soil porosity and time of year. Feed with a well balanced liquid fertilizer quarterly. Do not over-water or allow pot to sit in water for any prolonged period of time. To discourage pests and retain natural luster of foliage, periodically bathe leaves by hand or rinse off outside with garden hose.)

How to Care for Peace Lilies: 5 Steps – wikiHow